In addition to numerical data, the other most popular type of data to store in a database is character data. 除了数值类型,数据库中最常用的保存数据的另一个类型是字符数据。
The cost of distributing content to a potentially vast global audience has collapsed as content for example, the written word, film and video, music, numerical data, and pictures is digitised. 将内容分发到全球大量受众的成本已经随着内容(例如文字内容、电影和视频、音乐、数字数据和图片)的数字化而大幅度降低。
Most numerical data can't be represented as integers. 多数数值型数据不能用整数表示。
For interoperability, do not expose those numerical data types in the Web service methods. 考虑到互操作性,不要公布那些在Web服务方法中的数值类型。
Note that here you must pass in Scheme values to the function: The scm_int2num function is used to convert a C integer into a Scheme numerical data type. 注意,这里必须将Scheme值传递给函数:scmint2num函数用于将C整数转换成Scheme数值数据类型。
If the values are of type VARCHAR or a numerical data type, which can be converted to type VARCHAR, the resulting type is VARCHAR. 如果值为VARCHAR类型或数值数据类型(可以转换为VARCHAR类型),则结果类型是VARCHAR。
It is crucial that you change the display type to Number because you want to treat this input as numerical data. 将显示类型改为Number至关重要,因为您希望将此输入视为数值数据。
This simple function steps through the data ( which is assumed to be a Python container holding numerical data), calculates the mean value of the set of data, then returns the value. 这个简单的函数遍历data(假设data为一个容纳有数字数据的Python容器),计算一组数据的平均值,然后返回值。
However, storage might not be quite as important for raster data, whose spatial component likely contains fairly simple numerical data. 然而,存储可能不像栅格数据那样重要,其空间构成可能包含相当简单的数字数据。
Using aggregates to capture numerical data 使用聚合步骤数字数据
The numerical data agree with the experimental results very well, and is of higher precision and trustily. 通过与辐射波电磁脉冲模拟器的实验结果的比对,证明了数值结果的可靠性。
For example, a field whose data type is Text can store data consisting of either text or number characters, but a Number field can store only numerical data. 例如,数据类型为“文本”的字段可以存储由文本或数字字符组成的数据,而“数字”字段只能存储数值数据。
A correlation formula of relative difference of local Nusselt number and dimensionless local temperature difference was presented by fitting numerical data. 通过对计算数据进行拟合之后,得到了层流时自由盘盘面局部努塞尔数的相对偏差与盘面无量纲局部温差的计算关联式。
Key features are extracted and converted to unique templates, which are stored as encrypted numerical data. 关键特征被提取出来并转换成(某人)独有的模板,而该模板存储成加密的数字数据。
The numerical results are in good agreement with the experimental and numerical data achieved by other scholars. 研究结果为各种地下结构受强爆炸作用问题的三维数值模拟提供了计算工具。
The numerical data concerned are provided in the third chapter. 第三章提供了有关的数据资料。
In the end, when the experimental task is done, DASYLab provides integrated publishing tools to print the worksheet, graphic or numerical data displays, captions and explanatory text passages. 最后,当实验任务完成后,借助该软件集成化的打印工具,帮助我们把需要的数据表,示意图或数值分析图表,以及标题和解释性文字打印出来。
It really should be visible at all times in the Explorer, along with the numerical data, unless a user chooses to hide it. 存储量的信息应该总是处于浏览器中,和数值信息一起;除非用户选择隐藏。
Meaning: To perform a great many numerical calculations or extensive manipulations of numerical data. 要执行良多数值计较和数值数据的普遍操作。
The use of company-specific numerical data when analyzing value. 定量分析分析价值时使用针对不同公司的数字信息。
It includes sorting algorithms, developed by the author, for use with random alphanumerical and numerical data key fields. 它包括了排序算法,由作者开发的,可用于随机的文字数字和数字数据关键字。
Someone versed in the collection and interpretation of numerical data ( especially someone who uses statistics to calculate insurance premiums). 精通收集和解释数据(特别是用统计学计算保险费)的人。
Numerical control may be defined as a method of accurately managing the movement of machine tools by a series of programmed numerical data which activate the motors of the machine tool. 数控是一种可以靠一系列的可以驱动机床电机的可编程的数字数据来精确控制机床运动的方法。
Objective: According to correlated clinical investigate numerical data to approach the research status quo and treat mechanism of Xuehai. 目的:依据临床相关研究资料探讨血海穴的研究现状和治疗机理。
LISP: Powerful computer programming language designed for manipulating lists of data or symbols rather than processing numerical data, used extensively in artificial-intelligence applications. LISP语言:功能强大的计算机程序语言,设计来处理资料或符号的目录,而不是处理数值资料,广泛为人工智能应用程序采用。
The numerical data including the width of solid bed and pressure fit well with those of experiments. 理论预测的固体床宽度和机筒压力与实验结果基本吻合。
Numerical data on the largest transnational corporations 关于最大跨国公司的数字数据
The objective of this study is to investigate the relationships among field, laboratory, and numerical data for the purpose of improving scour prediction methods for complex bridge piers. 由试验与分析结果发现跌水射流之强度与方向为影响桥墩冲刷的主要因素,而桥墩所在位置之底床型态则是影响其冲刷结果的次要因素。
Mehtod: To discuss investigate numerical data of Xuehai. 方法:对临床关于血海穴的研究资料作综合论述。
Finally, the algorithm is tested by the numerical data and experimental data of helicopter noise. 最后,用数值仿真数据与实测直升机噪声数据对该算法进行了检验。